What is going on?

What has happened to our society? I’m a 35 yr old, father of 4, that works 40 plus hours a week and between the news and social media I have come to the conclusion that we live in a time of spoiled, cry baby, hypocrites. Growing up I was taught to work for what you want, treat everyone with the respect that you would like to be treated with and not everyone has the same opinion as you (it’s life, get over it). In this day and time majority of people are looking for “the easy life”, have no respect for anything or anyone and “protest” over any little thing that doesn’t go their way. First thing that comes to mind, when I see or read about things like this, is “a good ole ass whipping as a child would have solved this shit” but in this day and time most would scream child abuse then grow up thinking they need a “safe place” when something hurts their feelings and sue their parents for “mental stress”, it’s sickening. Let’s not forget the “mommy and daddy didn’t show me enough attention” excuse, wow. My father was in and out of my life as a child and my mom worked 3 jobs (yes.. 3) to make sure that we survived and tada, I’m an adult that doesn’t make excuses for things that doesn’t go the way I like. How about crawling out of your safe place, put your picket signs down, put your big boy and girl panties on and understand that not everything in life will go your way and that everyone has a different opinion and outlook on things.

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