Be Thankful

Good morning! This morning I woke up at 5:30 (like I do every morning I have to go to work, it sucks lol) and go outside to start my jeep so it can warm up since the temperature is in the teens and it decides it doesn’t want to stay running without my foot on the gas, so I cuss to myself like normal. Then on the way to work the transmission starts slipping (like it has been for 2 weeks now) but it’s worse this morning. On the way I get a text from my foreman saying that he’s not working today, so I decided to stop at the store, get gas and money out of the atm for the light bill then head back home. On the way home my transmission was slipping so bad that I had to pull over, as I sat there still cussing to myself and wondering what else could possibly go wrong (while my head was on the steering wheel) the thought came that I should be thankful. Sure my vehicle has problems but atleast I have one, yes my check will be short of hours next week but hey, I’m getting one, light bill is due along with other bills which leaves my bank account low but I have an account and my lights will be on. There are people in the world that have alot less than myself and here I was sitting on side of the road feeling sorry for myself. I raised my head up, smiled at the thought of my little family, put my truck in drive and headed home (transmission didn’t slip once). Everyone struggles at times, some more or longer than others, but you should look past those struggles and be thankful for what you DO have and what IS going right instead of letting negativity weigh on you. If you’re having a bad day, think about your significant other, your children or anything that puts a smile on your face instead of worrying about work or bills or your boss being a douche because there is always someone less fortunate than yourself. I taught myself a valuable lesson this morning (who’d a thunk it) and hopefully it’ll help some others in life.

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